Benefit Time Accruals


Benefit Time Accruals are used to automatically post time to employees if certain rules are met. Benefit time is typically paid time off such as vacation or sick time that an employee earns during their employment with a company.

Example: An employer may give a full time employee 40 hours of vacation time on their annual anniversary. Another example would be an employer may give an employee 2.5 hours of sick time every pay period.


Wed 12/05/2018

See More:

How do I create a benefit time accrual?

How do I assign a benefit time accrual to a pay class?

How do I assign a benefit time accrual to an employee?

Benefit Time Accrual Settings

Changing an Employee's Hire Date While an Accrual is Assigned

Changing the Accrual Level setting after a Benefit Accrual has occurred